Portal 2 is Almost Here!

Remember that game called Portal, the one developed by Valve Corporation, the one with the amazing physics magic and fabulous gameplay unlike essentially anything else you've probably ever seen!? Portal! The only things you really had to watch out for in the first one were murderous turrets and some falling spikes – and you were only one jamming portals into the environment. Now it's a whole 'nother game going on – co-op mode – Portal 2! This game comes out April 19th 2011 – that's 11 days from now!


What you're seeing above is a photo your humble narrator took in his city of residence, it's sitting at 1st Avenue and 6th Street, downtown Minneapolis. This is part of another gigantic ad campaign, this one strictly billboard-centric. A large amount of billboards in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis and St. Paul) are video screens that can be updated at least daily – this meaning here that they've all got countdowns!

We can't freaking wait for this game, it's got both the original single-player mode and the co-op mode where you're controlling two robots for the greater good of trans-dimensional cruising. Will you be Chell, or will you and a friend play as the robots Atlas or P-body? Rock it!

Take a peek here at a trailer that came out before the first game came out in the year 2007:


Then take a peek at the most recent suite of unbelievably fantastic viral ads along the lines of "Aperture Investment Opportunities." Aperture Laboratories is the group in the game that's responsible for all the levels and the portals and all that good stuff. Fabulous!

Still excited!

OH and a Portal post just isn't a Portal post without the ending credits, as written by the greatest singer, performer, songwriter of our generation, Jonathan Coulton. Also check out his song "First of May."

I promise you'll like it.

