Pokemon GO update today: Surprise Legendary Raid Hour!

This morning Niantic made mention of a very impromptu update for the game Pokemon GO as of this evening. This update to the game will likely happen entirely on the server side of things – so you won't necessarily need to update your app file. This event will likely feature Groudon, for starters, and will start at approximately 6PM local time (wherever you happen to be at that time).

This super special raid hour has an odd requirement, it would seem – that each location with a raid currently in progress at 6PM will not have a new raid with Groudon at all, whatsoever. This seems like an odd enough rumor that it's not entirely true – but you never know! In Pokemon GO, stranger things have certainly been known to happen.

The chances of a Shiny Groudon are better than they'd be otherwise, but still an extreme bit of rare. If you're hoping to take part in more than one raid in the "Raid Hour" event, you'll need to get yourself more than one Raid Pass. Those don't come cheap!

Groudon has popped up in Legendary Raid events before, but not so often that it's become a Pokemon of general rarity. It's still a force with which to be reckoned!

If you happen to be in a place where the Groudon hour has already begun, lucky you! Here in the Central time zone in the United States, we'll be waiting another 7 hours (approximately, when this article is scheduled to go live). At that time, assuming it's not pouring rain outside, we'll be in the mix for certain!

According to our contact in Japan, the event began at approximately 5 minutes before the hour. Cross your fingers that you don't run into any Ex Raids at the same time as this Groudon business is meant to appear – one will give way to the other. You can't have all the cake and eat it too!