Pogoplug Team makes your server a personal cloud

Pogoplug continues to push its idea of the personal cloud, and its latest product, Pogoplug Team, targets businesses who might be wary of putting their data onto somebody else's servers. In effect a server-based version of the existing Pogoplug Software, Pogoplug Team is intended to be loaded onto a company's server system and, for $15 per user per year, offers all the typical streaming, remote access and file sharing individuals have had for some time.


Because it's running on the company's own servers, local data accessing from the home network is as fast as the LAN can deliver it. However, businesses also get Pogoplug's various mobile apps for iPad, iPhone and Android, as well as automatic backup of their mobile device to the Pogoplug cloud.

Everything can be reskinned to suit the business itself, leaving the Pogoplug functionality but making it look like an in-house tool. Installation is apparently straightforward, with no modifications required to file types or folder structures. There's also control over user permissions and sharing options, and the ability to add files to the cloud simply by emailing them in.

Pogoplug Team is available now, priced at $15 per user, per year, with a minimum of three users per account. If you're a business using an existing Pogoplug product, you can also upgrade it to Team.


