Plastic iPhone and iPhone 5 comparison shots leaked

The plastic (some say budget) iPhone has been making appearances at a more rapid pace of as of late, with the latest leak involving comparison shots between a plastic iPhone and an iPhone 5. The images give the cheaper model an interesting perspective, as well as a look at some of the subtle design differences between the two (plastic shell aside).


You can check out the full roster of images in the gallery below, in which we see a pastel green plastic iPhone laid atop, aside, and against an iPhone 5. With the images, both the roundness and ample plastic become strikingly apparent, as well as some design changes that exist between the two of them. There's also a couple shots of the plastic iPhone's innards.

While the back of both the plastic iPhone and the iPhone 5 look the same in terms of design, we see the differences in other shots. The bottom, for example, of the plastic iPhone features four speaker holes on one side of the connection slot, while the iPhone 5 has more robust grilles on either side. The volume buttons are also different, with the plastic iPhone's being elongated rather than circular.


The leak, which surfaced on Chinese website Weibo, also suggests that the plastic iPhone will be available in two different models that look the same but feature different hardware, codenamed Zenevo and Zagato/Bertone. The Zenevo model is said to feature a Samsung H5P dual processor, 1GB of RAM, Bluetooth 4.0, and FDD 4G connectivity.

The so-called Zegato/Bertone version of the handset, meanwhile, is reportedly featuring an H6P processor and 1GB of RAM, as well as Bluetooth 4.0 and TDD 4G LTE support. As always, take it all with a grain of salt, as nothing is confirmed. You can find out about the other plastic iPhone leaks that have surfaced in the timeline below.

SOURCE: Tech Kitty

