Overpriced Recycled Products

I automatically love any product that I see is made from recycled material. Since green products have become highly trendy there are more of them available. However, the prices of them have sky rocketed in a lot of cases. These products are just a few examples.


Okay seriously that hanging rack, is made from friggin rocks and it's $200. I don't care if they are created in some special way, they are still rocks. How exactly do you recycle rocks anyway? All of these products are really cool, but they are recycled products why do they have to be so much money

It used to be bags made of old magazine clippings or whatever were $5 at the local flea market now they are about $50. The circuit board lamps are ranged from $220-$280, the Hockey Stick Box is $230. The lamp that looks like a giant flashlight is made from canisters off of the old Electrolux vacuums and are priced at $350. The site does have some very cool recycled products that are a bit more reasonably priced, which is definitely worth checking out.


[via product page]

