OS X Mavericks details gush before final release

This morning Apple's Craig Federighi stepped onstage to speak about OS X's Technologies, Features, and Apps. In what was to become one of the last pushes for Mavericks before the final release, Federighi suggested that Power Efficiency was at the top of their minds for this software. This began with a feature called Compressed Memory.


With Compressed Memory, Apple suggested that they're able to compress inactive parts of memory, making it possible to fit 6GB of data into a smooth 4GB of RAM. Apple's suggestion that Graphics where another massive factor in issuing forth the next generation of their desktop hardware, they suggested that they're working with OpenCL for integrated graphics.

Working with OpenCL, tasks will be able to run 1.8 times faster than in the past. Mavericks is able to dynamically allocate more and less memory to the GPU integrated into the system as well, allowing this memory to go where it needs to go when needed.

Additional details not let loose in depth before today included Shared links in Safari, a brand new Maps app (seen in preview before, but lightly), and a new version of iBooks. With the new version of iBooks, lots of auto-formatting takes place, Pages works with auto-layout, and the whole system appears to work a whole heck of a lot more swift than the earliest demos.


Have a peek at our Apple Hub for more information on OS X Mavericks and the full hardware release collection this morning and throughout the day. We're also liveblogging this entire Apple event as it happens!

