Oracle's final rebuttal against Google

This afternoon we've seen another set of updates coming from the Oracle vs Google case as the former continues to assert that the latter did indeed infringe on JAVA patents they've held for some time, with closing arguments being the final bits of info we'll get today. We've had a look at what Google has delivered to the jury as their final argument, now we'll have a peek at what Oracle has used to bring the jury back on their side of the fence. It's Oracle's lawyer Mike Jacobs we'll be seeing on the soap box here.


When attempting to turn around what Google presented a bit earlier today Oracle's Mike Jacobs referred to Google's touting of former Sun CEO Schwartz. This man, said Jacobs, was never the boss in charge of the copyrights and legal business of the company, he was answering to board chairman Scott McNealy, another personality who took the stand this week and one who has this week defended Oracle in the idea that Google never had the right to the JAVA they used in Android. Now that Google is defending themselves with the argument that the code they've used was included under fair use, Oracle had to prove that this possibility was simply out of the question.

"If Google can just take the APIs and be forgiven under fair use, that licensing falls apart. That is the deep threat that Android represents to the entire Java community. ... "A blog post is not permission. A blog post is not a license. Google knows better than to claim a blog post is official permission." – Oracle's Jacobs


Noting that even if Sun did not defend their right to own the codes that Google used in Android back when it was first compiling them, Oracle certainly should have been expected to, and definitely is here and now. Oracle's closing statement took what the case had presented to the jury and laid it all out with a simple questioning of the jury, asking whether or not they saw Google's actions as lawful.

We'll continue to follow this case to completion of course, given its monumental consequences one way or another there's no knowing how long it will take for the final verdict to be passed down – and when its passed down if it will be allowed to rest here in 2012. Stay tuned!

[via ZDNet]

