Nokia N900 sold "well in excess" of 100,000 in five weeks; Gartner figures seriously wrong claims source

Analyst predictions – like any other – should generally be taken with a pinch of salt (the Steve Ballmer at WWDC 2010 speculation is good evidence of quite how much sodium is necessary), but it seems someone at Gartner has been seriously mistaken in their counting.  They're quoted as claiming under 100,000 Nokia N900 units were sold in its first five months on the market; however, a source we spoke to at Nokia today told us that in fact the Finnish company sold "well in excess of 100,000" N900 handsets in the first five weeks.


In fact, Nokia apparently had trouble meeting demand for the N900, and have seen sustained sales of the handset since its launch.  Nokia won't disclose exact sales figures for the N900, but it seems Gartner have gotten considerably confused somewhere along the line.

The N900 was one of Nokia's most anticipated devices of 2009, and has recently seen an update to not only Maemo 1.2 but MeeGo v1.0.  Nokia had previously said that the handset wouldn't be offered officially with MeeGo, though it seems aftermarket updates will be coming thick and fast.

