Nokia N900 Android dual-boot hack [Video]

Nokia's N900 is undoubtedly a tempting smartphone, but the Maemo 5 OS it runs still comes across as an enthusiast's platform rather than a consumer-ready one.  Thankfully one such enthusiast has decided to tinker with the ARM-based N900 itself, and the end result is a handset that can dual-boot both Maemo and Android.Video proof of concept after the cut


Brandon Roberts is the man responsible for the dual-booting marvel, and while he's describing it more as a proof of concept right now than a workable solution, from what little is shown in the video he's come a decent way.  The keyboard seems to work, and the display is running at the N900's WVGA resolution; a boot menu allows you to choose between Maemo and Android.

Right now there are no instructions as to how exactly he did it, but we've a feeling this could be a popular hack assuming all the N900's core hardware could be encouraged to work with Android.  The combination of Maemo for experimentation and Android for everyday use could potentially transform the N900.

[via Android Community]

