Nintendo Switch shipping halted temporarily in Japan

Nintendo announced that they'd be shipping Nintendo Switch units to those that'd previously reserved the console over the past week, but otherwise, there's a bit of a halt. Shipments of the Nintendo Switch will otherwise be put on temporary hold. This means no Nintendo Switches sent to retailers this week. It does not mean that no Nintendo Switches will be available in the near future.


Nintendo's been having issues keeping the Nintendo Switch in stock at physical stores and through online retailers since the dawn of global pandemic here in 2020. This includes all versions of the Switch, be they special edition, Lite, or otherwise. Stock is low or completely sold out at standard retailers in Japan, throughout Europe, and in the USA.

The Switch Lite and the standard Nintendo Switch, including the latest special edition, the Animal Crossing Limited Edition, will be shipped out to those who had reserved a unit since the start of April. It's expected that another announcement for next week will be delivered in the next 5 days (or so).


"We didn't mention the Switch Lite because there was still enough stock in the market at the time of publication [in February]," said a Nintendo spokesperson via Japanese Nintendo over the weekend. "But the point that many of its parts are made in China is the same. We are doing various efforts inside the company; although shipments haven't stagnated, they are getting delayed."

At the same time, Nintendo's running a collection of Nintendo Switch eShop spring sales with game prices cut by 50% or more. That does not include the games that are doing abnormally well right now – you won't find Pokemon Sword and Shield on that list.

Meanwhile there's a rumor that this will be the year of Mario for remakes and new games alike. Look back to the March Nintendo Direct Mini round-up to learn about all the games that are headed to Nintendo Switch in the near future!

