Nintendo 3DS won't reach UK until early 2011

Would-be 3D gamers in the UK hoping to get their hands on some Nintendo 3DS sweetness may have to wait until early 2011, according to a "senior source" speaking at the company.  According to T3, that source has confirmed the 3DS – which has a 3D-capable top display that requires no special glasses, and dual external cameras that can capture 3D visuals – won't arrive in the UK by the end of 2010, and will instead make its sales debut early in the new year.


That source hasn't been named, and Nintendo themselves haven't confirmed either pricing nor availability.  According to earlier reports at least one territory should get the 3DS by the end of this year, though that's also unconfirmed.  Nintendo have also said that the design of the 3DS could well alter before it reaches shelves.

If true, this wouldn't be the first time overseas markets have had to wait prolonged periods before Nintendo's gaming devices spread from a Japanese launch.  The same thing happened with the DSi, which was broadly available in Japan for several months before seeing a US and European release, and the DSi XL which had previously made an early Japan-only debut as the DSi LL.


