Nikon DSLR teaser campaign: new camera on March 8th?

So far two cards have been received, one with the number 8 and then shortly after a second with the number 7.  Nikon Rumors have worked out the posting schedule, and if the pattern continues then the final card – presumably number 1 – will go out on Friday March 5th.


Interestingly, Nikon have scheduled a press conference in the UK on Monday March 8th, which seems unlikely to be coincidental.  There's speculation that the teased device might be Nikon's first mirrorless DSLR, a replacement to the D700 or perhaps the mysterious Nikon EVIL which is believed to fill a gap in the high-end with a 1080p HD capable camera, and which has been tipped for Photokina.

[via Nikon Rumors]

