Newzbin2 Threatens To Break BT's Filtering System If It Tries To Block Their Site
Yesterday I mentioned that over in the UK the High Court had ordered BT to block access to the pirate website Newsbin2. The original Newzbin site had been closed down previously and went into administration to pay back money the owners were fined. The site was later sold to new owners. The new owners opened Newzbin2 and continue to offer up the same catalog of pirated content to members for download.
With the High Court forcing BT to block the site, Newzbin2 is threatening BT if it tries to block access to the pirate hangout. BBC News reports that Newzbin2 administrators have pledged to ensure that the site is available to users even if the judge rules against it in a request by the Motion Picture Association to compel BT to block the site.
The administrator from Newzbin2 also said that its attempts to stay online may involve attempts to circumvent the BT Cleanfeed filter that is used to block sites by the ISP. The Cleanfeed filter is normally used by BT to block any sites containing child pornography. The owners of Newzbin2 claim that it is like Google and simply aggregates content that is on Usenet already and isn't responsible for what the subscribers to the service do.
[via BBC News]