New Apple Flashback Removal For Non-Java Lion Macs Released

Apple has already delivered one Flashback malware removal option for Mac users, and now the company has released a second clean-up tool for those who don't have Java installed on their systems. The new Flashback malware removal tool (DL1517) is intended for users of OS X 10.7 Lion who, for one reason or another, are avoiding Java altogether; like its predecessors, it scans for the most common variants of the malware and, if discovered, removes them.


"If the Flashback malware is found, a dialog will be presented notifying the user that malware was removed" Apple writes on its support site. "In some cases, the Flashback malware removal tool may need to restart your computer in order to completely remove the Flashback malware ... This update is recommended for all OS X Lion users without Java installed."

Over half a million Macs are believed to be infected with Flashback, which can turn the OS X computers into a remotely-controlled botnet.

Although third-party security firms have already offered their own clean-up tools, and manual removal is also possible, Apple has been swift in offering its own, official ways to get the problem software off your machine. The new Apple Flashback removal tool can be downloaded here.


