Mozilla calls out Facebook's current default privacy settings

Mozilla just called out Facebook, saying it believes there are still issues with the social network's default privacy settings. Due to these concerns, Mozilla has chosen to "pause" its advertising on Facebook, giving the company a chance to earn back its business by taking "stronger action in how it shares customer data, specifically strengthening its default privacy settings for third party apps."READ: Edit your Facebook ad preferences: It's hilarious and terrifying


Mozilla posted the criticism on its blog yesterday, explaining that while it hasn't necessarily completely abandoned the platform, it will stop advertising for now. The company will "consider returning" if Facebook cracks down on how it shares its users' data, says Mozilla, particularly when it gets tougher on the default privacy settings for third-party apps.

Talking about Facebook and its access to our data, Mozilla says:

Facebook knows a great deal about their two billion users — perhaps more intimate information than any other company does. They know everything we click and like on their site, and know who our closest friends and relationships are ... We look forward to Facebook instituting some of the things that Zuckerberg promised today.


Mozilla acknowledged that Facebook added limitations to developer access to user data in 2014. That, unfortunately, happened after Cambridge University Professor Aleksandr Kogan acquired a large amount of Facebook user info, which was then shared with Cambridge Analytica. Company CEO Zuckerberg addressed the matter yesterday, though it did little to reassure the many users who have grown skeptical of the company.

Says Mozilla:

This news caused us to take a closer look at Facebook's current default privacy settings given that we support the platform with our advertising dollars. While we believe there is still more to learn, we found that its current default settings leave access open to a lot of data – particularly with respect to settings for third party apps.

SOURCE: Mozilla

