Microsoft tipped to buy 6Wunderkinder for to-do lists galore

Sources suggest that Microsoft's next acquisition in the mobile space is of "to-do list" startup company 6Wunderkinder. This purchase would have the company giving its mobile app collection another boost, tying together several services into one that'll touch them all. This would be the third in a quick succession of acquisitions of mobile-based app makers for Microsoft, including New York-based Sunrise Atelier, Inc., and San Francisco-based Acompli. It's been suggested by an anonymous source that the acquisition of 6Wunderkinder will be announced at between $100m and $200m.


The 6Wunderkinder app collection work with iOS devices like iPhone and iPad. They also work with Google's Android mobile operating system. They do not work with Windows Phone as of yet.

According to the Wall Street Journal, 6Wunderkinder recently announced an app tie-in with Sunrise. This would mean that Microsoft's purchase of this full app collection could expand even further in the near future.

Microsoft's recent acquisition of Acompli had them re-naming the app collection as Outlook for Mobile. It would not be a major shock to see Microsoft re-name the Wunderlist to-do list app as well.

We're thinking something to do with Office? Maybe a Cortana tie-in? It'll all make sense sooner than later.


