Microsoft Might Fund Halo Movie, Wants Your Mom To See It

Microsoft's Halo franchise development director Frank O'Connor sat last week on a panel at the Future of Television East conference last week. It was there that he sat down with some folks who work with Harold Goldberg of NY Videogame Critics Circle and spoke of the future of a Halo movie. Why hasn't a Halo movie been produced yet, Goldberg asked? O'Connor said: "It was the lawyers, ... When they went behind closed doors with the contracts, things fell apart." O'Connor noted that the fact that Microsoft owns all rights to Halo was the breaking point, as that meant that "The problem was that the movie company couldn't make any money beyond the movie." But what about the future? Does O'Connor have confidence in the future of a world with more Halo? Yes. "There will be a Halo movie."


O'Connor is a person who has the utmost confidence in the Halo series and knows exactly what it's worth to whoever wants to work with it. To a high level network executive that approached him after his panel at this conference that said to him "We want to do something with Halo," he simply replied "Bring piles of money." To that the executive rightly said "for Halo, we will."

Good news? At least good vibes for those who still want the movie, stuck for a while now here in pre pre pre production heck. O'Connor said that once they've gotten past the lawyers, Microsoft would be happy to allow any great director put their own vision to work on a Halo movie, "If Danny Boyle wants to make a Danny Boyle-style movie, that's great. Let Danny Boyle be Danny Boyle. We would not constrain a director." That's what I like to hear.


He noted that there'd be a possibility of a Halo project working on a HBO or Showtime network, "We'd love to see Halo as a television series. Look what HBO did with Band of Brothers or even Rome. Something like that would work because the Halo universe is so vast."

But most importantly, he wants to speak to your mom, "There will be a Halo movie. We don't need a movie. But we'd like a movie. We'd like the moms of gamers to see the movies because they would love our characters. Maybe we'll even fund it ourselves."

Now just to keep you pumped up, lets look at this fan-made movie trailer made by fans for fans (NOT by Microsoft), and let your brain run wild with the possibilities once a project like this gets greenlit:

[Via TechLand]

