Marvel Comics The Avengers first full-length trailer released [Video]
After much buildup including FOUR feature-length individual movies for each of the heroes included in this supergroup of a movie, May 2012's Marvel Comics' The Avengers has its first real trailer. And before you comic book maniacs have a heart attack reminding the world that The Hulk is included in this movie aside those three heroes with the four movies mentioned in the first sentence, know here that not only is this the start of a different storyline for the big green goliath, there's ANOTHER new actor in Bruce Banner's role. Mark Ruffalo as Banner though should be the least of your excitement here, blasts of fire, the hoary hammer of the gods, red white and blue punches of fury and Black Sabbath throughout should sent your hair straight upwards.
While this trailer doesn't exactly reveal anything brand new for those of you following the development of this film so closely that you saw the picture of Hawkeye played by Jeremy Renner giving the Black Widow aka Scarlett Johansson a hard time after her nudie pics were released, the trailer IS fun to watch. There's plenty of Chris Hemsworth with flowing golden hair, Robert Downey Jr with snide comments galore, and sneaking, conniving Tom Hiddlestron as Loki to go around for everyone.
Have a peek here in full 1080p:
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Now I must ask you, tech and gadget fans, do you already have the two Iron Man movies, one Captain America the First Avenger, and Thor movies on your iPads and XOOM tablets ready for a marathon right before the full release of this movie in May of 2012? If not, why not?! What are you waiting for, a full release of THOSE movies as well? That's nuts.
ALSO bonus points if you can name the Nine Inch Nails song playing in the trailer – hint: it's not exactly a NEW song, but it certainly fits the mood.