Make Your Own Cases For All Of Your Gadgets
If you've been sitting on Etsy browsing for the latest and greatest handmade items that seem so much more personalized than what is sold at any mainstream shop. Then you might want to start considering sucking it up and making your own items.
Although I tend to pretend like I don't, I do know a bit about all that is crafty. I just retired my sewing needle a while ago and exchanged it for a laptop and several gaming controllers. If I had any amount of sense I'd hop on Reprodepot and snag a pattern to create my own cases for my overabundance of gadgets.
They offer a pattern by Amy Butler that will house most size laptops, almost any size mp3 player and work great for the iPod Classic, iPod Touch, iPhone and even the Zune. The great thing about Reprodepot is that the fabrics would make anyone happy. It has girly, vintage, children, holiday and even a section for the slightly more punk styles. The fabrics all range in price and the pattern is $12.95.
[via crave]