Lomography Color Slide/X-Pro 120 Film Resurrects Much-Loved Agfa Emulsion

It's not just The Impossible Project bringing old photography film back to life; Lomo lovers aching for a taste of the old world are now able to pick up a pack of film using original Agfa RSX 200 emulsion for use in their Lubitel 166+ and Diana F+ cameras.  The new supply is thanks to the Lomographic Society discovering that Agfa Geveart still make the much-loved Agfa RSX 200 emulsion, though so far it's only been sold for aerial photography purposes.


The emulsion takes its place in the new Lomography Color Slide/X-Pro 120 Film 200, currently available on the Lomographic Society's site and soon to arrive in UK stores.   It's E6-processable and intended for use in medium-format cameras; price is £20 ($30) for a pack of three, and you're promised "whacked out colors, huge contrast, and insane saturation".

[via Amateur Photographer]

