Liquifloor Is A Lava-Lamp You Can Walk On
I'm a classy but showy kind of guy and I like to leave my mark wherever I go. Sadly the number of people who'll allow me to urinate in the corners of their room is rapidly diminishing, so I'm having to turn to new ways of laying down what I like to call Pathway To The Chris. Hurrah for Café Interiors, then, whose sexy new Liquifloor tiles might just give me that edge over the wannabes who'd simply love to steal my thunder.

Each sealed tile unit contains coloured liquid of either single or multiple shades, which swirl around with the pressure of your feet. With a bit of skill you can even leave temporary messages by "writing" on the floor.

I'd quite like to see this same technique applied to wallpaper, so that I could press myself against the walls and leave colourful iPod-advert-a-like impressions of me throwing shapes.
Café Interiors [via Shiny Shiny]