Light by Moore's Cloud tries DIY funding after Kickstarter stumble

Back in November, I mentioned a strange and interesting little light cube called Light by Moore's Cloud. The last time we talked about the project, it was on Kickstarter seeking $700,000. Over the course of a few days, the project racked up $159,757 in funding.


A pledge of $99 during the Kickstarter program would get you one of the lights. It appears that the company was unable to reach its funding goal and its Kickstarter program failed. Undaunted, the company is now trying to raise its money on its own through its own Kickstarter-style auction.

The auction is running on the Moore's Cloud store website where users can reserve their own light cube for $149. That's $50 more expensive than the cube was on Kickstarter and you still need to pay a $10 shipping fee. The company says it expects to ship the product in July.

When the Kickstarter campaign was said and done the company had only raised $275,000 out of its goal with about 1950 people backing the project. The company says that it needs to pre-sell about 3000 Lights in order to cover manufacturing costs. They figure that since they had almost 2000 people back the Kickstarter project reaching 3000 should be possible.


