Leaked iPhone 6 photos may have come straight from Foxconn

A new set of pictures has leaked out of China, showing what's believed to be the new, larger iPhone 6. Keeping in line with previous reports, the newest device looks much bigger, and has the same styling aesthetics. Curved, metal, and familiar, this may just be actual production photos of the new iPhone.


As we can see, the rounded metal frame is very iPad-like. The metal case rolls gently into the screen area, a design feature we like on the iPad series. This new iPhone is also said to be thin, like the iPad Air, checking it at around the same thickness.

The lines around the top and bottom, which remind us of an HTC One, are likely for the antennae. We also find the camera cutout, along with space for the flash and mic. An Apple logo sits prominently top-center. Flip around to the inside, and we see circuitry, suggesting the new iPhone will be fused, and not have a removable battery as some had hoped for. The volume rocker is very iPad-ish, and the power button looks to have been moved to the side.


The new photos are said to come straight from a manufacturing source, not a third-party case manufacturer working from schematics. That leads us to believe these photos, if actually production parts, came straight from Foxconn. Previously, we heard news of how Apple was splitting the workload for their three iPhones, with Foxconn getting the new 4.7-inch device (which this looks to be).

If you fell in love with the idea of a larger iPhone that looks like an iPad, it might be coming just as you'd hoped. If these pics are, indeed, from a manufacturing source, then it's a WYSIWYG scenario. A larger iPhone, iOS 8, and revamped OS X make for a very interesting new Apple.

Thanks, Dan!

Source: Xiaolongchakan

