John Oliver just made it easier to contact the FCC about net neutrality
It seems that the fight for net neutrality is back on, and just like last time, John Oliver is trying to rally people to the cause. In a segment during Sunday's episode of Last Week Tonight, Oliver lambasted the new FCC chairman Ajit Pai as he looks to rollback Obama-era net neutrality protections. With the FCC now accepting comments from the public on the matter, it seems John Oliver saw a chance to strike.
In the segment, Oliver once again reminds us what, exactly, net neutrality is: the idea that ISPs should be neutral when it comes to internet traffic using the connections they provide. There are a lot of hypothetical situations where net neutrality comes into play, but one presented the during the segment (by none other than Tay Zonday) involves ISPs slowing connections to one search engine because it received money from the owner of another search engine.
Rules enacted a few years back prevent that kind of behavior by imposing Title II regulations, but now Pai has made it clear that he'd like to roll back that Title II classification. This has Oliver pretty worked up, and he's urging everyone to leave a comment with the FCC to show that consumers still want this kind of oversight. You can see the wonderful, profanity-ridden segment (meaning don't watch it at work) below:
There's just one problem with Oliver's request: the FCC has made it someone difficult to find the proposal and leave a comment on it. The process as the FCC offers it involves four or five different steps, including searching for the number of the proposal after typing in a rather specific URL. To make things a little easier, Oliver has once again taken things into his own hands.
Instead of following the steps the FCC has put in place, Oliver instead tells viewers to go to, a URL he purchased for the sole purpose of redirecting the proposal on the FCC's website. By going to that URL, you simply need to click the "express" link you see in the search results and then you'll be taken to a form to fill out with your comments.
So, if net neutrality is something you care about (which, in my opinion, it absolutely should be), take a few minutes this afternoon to follow Oliver's URL and submit a comment. These public comments to the FCC have changed the trajectory to proposals before, so it can be done. Stay tuned, because this certainly isn't the last we've heard of the issue.