JJ Abrams "Stranger" Trailer Teases Mix Of The Crow And Frankenstein
The production team known as Bad Robot, synonymous with J.J. Abrams works like Star Trek, have just released a trailer that could as easily be for a remake of The Crow as it could be for a new edition of Frankenstein. While it's slightly unlikely that it's either of these – one for one reason and the other for another – there's always that hope that a group like Bad Robot, one responsible for hit after hit, would take on a title that we'd love to see them take a handle on.
Unfortunately changes are stacked against The Crow as it would appear that the title already has a host of production companies and distributors behind it. There's also the fact that The Crow – coming in 2014, if you did not know – already has a director, one that's never worked with Bad Robot in the past.
Having a look at Frankenstein, there are certainly clues to suggest the monster would be tossed in to a new bag of bones in this trailer. The water, the confusion, and the sewn-up flesh near the end of the video. Then again, The Crow saw its fair share of taxidermy – there's even a sewn-up mouth in the original movie edition of the story.
But lo, this title doth appear to be a horror. There's also the chance that it could be a follow-up to Cloverfield, bringing in another (much smaller) character from that alternate dimension out to play.
Have a peek at the possibilities in the trailer above and let us know what you're thinking – this video has so few details surrounding it that you'll be just as lost as the fellow dropped in the sea you're seeing.
VIA: Mike Elgan; Bad Robot