JAMBOX 2.1 Software Update added to MyTALK.com

You'll remember our most recent hands-on look at the most recent JAMBOX LiveAudio update from late August as a significant addition to an already rather neat speaker system. Now we've got news that there's another new update bringing this system up to version 2.1. This version of the JAMBOX software adds functionality to two items: Sound Clarity and LiveAudio, both of them absolutely necessary if you plan on bouncing beats mobile-style unto the future of the streets. Download time!


What'll this update give you? Two things. First, Sound Clarity. This delivers you clearer distortion-free sound when LiveAudio is OFF. To turn Sound Clarity ON, go to your Advanced Setting in MYTALK and select Sound Clarity's ON option. This option will use an audio tuning algorithm to clean up distortion at high volume levels.

For LiveAudio, the other half of this equation, you've only to hold the + and – buttons until you hear a tone. When LiveAudio is ON, the max volume is not as loud. If you'd like additional volume for a special eardrum blaster of your choice, turn LiveAudio OFF and press the + to crank it up. Then turn on Sound Clarity again for the win.

You'll be able to download this update the same way you've updated your JAMBOX in the past, by visiting http://jawbone.com/liveaudio and hit the download, syncing then to your JAMBOX via the MYTALK homepage – currently at http://mytalk.jawbone.com/. Note that after syncing your update, JAMBOX settings are still configured to give you the same sound quality that the JAMBOX originally shipped with. This is with LiveAudio OFF and Sound Clarity OFF. I think you know what to do!


