iPhone C64 emulator makes brief showing in App Store [Video]

For a moment, things were going so well.  Manomio's Commodore 64 emulator for iPhone and iPod touch had – despite incurring the wrath of Apple's App Store gatekeepers back in June – managed to sneak through on a second attempt, only to be yanked once again in the early hours.Video demo after the cut


Apple's concern was that it was relatively straightforward to add in basic support to the emulator, since the Manomio team had in fact left it in place but "locked".  They hoped that, after a more favorable judgement by Apple at a later point, they would be able to retroactively activate it remotely.  However that was scuppered when users found they could enable it themselves.

"Due to the extreme publicity the app has received over the weekend and the fact that several users found a way to enable the basic back, Apple decided to remove the app from App Store until we have solved the issue." Manomio statement

Manomio have submitted a new version but that needs to get through Apple's internal processes.  So at the moment there's no C64 app to be downloaded, which means if you were hoping for a few games of Dragons Den, Le Mans, Jupiter Lander, Arctic Shipwreck and Jack Attack then you'll just have to wait a little longer.


[via Kotaku]

