iPhone 6 is soaked in liquid nitrogen, obliterated with hammer
There are torture tests, and then there are torture tests. One of the more qualifying definitions of that term would be what RatedRR did to an iPhone 6 Plus, soaking it in liquid nitrogen and then hitting it with a sledge hammer to see what (predictably) happens.
The torture test was one of six that were carried out (each on different phones, obviously), and it involved giving the iPhone 6 Plus a gentle bath in bubbling liquid nitrogen. Upon pulling the phone from the bath, it was declared to still be functional briefly before freezing, both physically and digitally.
After it was pronounced dead, RatedRR proceeded with doing the only logical thing one can do with a phone in that state: they propped it up between some bricks and smashed it to pieces with a sledge hammer. The destruction was both instant and glorious.
The iPhone 6 Plus shattered into tons of tiny frosty pieces — at least, its display and some of its innards did. The battery survived, as well as the back piece (though it was certainly bent). A couple small components were still fixed inside, but most of them didn't make it.
VIA: Gizmodo