Iomega StorCenter ix2 Network Storage Sets New Bar For The Business Cloud

There's more than one announcement this week from Iomega regarding storage solutions for your own home network, this particular one on Iomega StorCenter ix2 Network Storage speaking specifically to the business crowd instead of your living room. This solution works with Linux, Mac, and PC, and will be bundled with such unique brands of cloud management as EMC Atmos and Mozy. Get your small business on the same piece of hardware to make all things one, and all things simple!


This solution for businesses includes such enterprise features as RAID 1 and video surveillance IP camera support. You can replace your hard drives for disaster recovery on your own with this newest move by Iomega, and there's an app called Iomega Link that'll allow you to manage your network on your iPhone or iPad remotely. This product has VMWare and XenServer certification for virtual desktop implementation, and the ix2 NAS works with your Windows Active Directory Service as well – iSCSI storage is also included here.

There are one whole heck of a lot of options when it comes to purchasing different components for this solution. There's first a $199.99 completely diskless model. That's as inexpensive you can get for starting this environment up for yourself. Then there's partially-populated (with one drive) models available at $249.99 for 1TB, $349.99 for 2TB, and $449.99 for 3TB. For a completely populated (two drive) model, you'll be dropping $419.99 for 2TB, $579.99 for 4TB, and $769.99 for 6TB. This setup is also planned for late February for a general release.


