Indifferent Meh Thumb Button Hits Nail on Head

There's this thing about social commentary – it doesn't matter. Or at least that's what folks like Zuckerberg and the +1 folks at Google don't want you to believe. Today you've got the opportunity to make yourself heard with a "Meh" shirt on Woot, one with a mark modeled after the "Like" button and pointing in a certain "whatever" direction. As a child of the Nevermind generation, I can't possibly resist. Will you get a "Meh" shirt, or will you just forget about it?


This is all part of a much bigger issue, if you ask me, one born of complete not-caring for the barrage of YOU MUST CHOOSE bursting forth from every internet seam. Even the sale of the shirt begs you to decide. But let me ask you this: will you sign up for Google+, will you stick with Facebook and continue to Like all things, or will you keep on making Facebook groups dedicated to getting that Thumbs Down button? Dislike all, please!

For those of you who don't give a hoot about any of these social networks popping up here and there, this is the shirt for you – but I implore you: don't buy it. Instead show your not caring and complete lack of devotion to the cause (and all causes) by just sharing the image above. In fact, don't even link back to anything, because that would mean that you care, and you don't.


Kurt Cobain, you've ruined us all forever.

