iFixit tears down Nikon D5100 DSLR

The gang over at iFixit is always taking one gadget or another apart and looking at what is inside the device that makes it tick. The auspices for tearing the cool gadgets apart are that they are looking at how easy the things are to repair. That's all fine and good, we just want to see what the devices look like on the inside. I really wish I could buy a DSLR with a clear case like that Sony DSLR that surfaced a while back so I could look at the innards all the time.


The teardown of the Nikon D5100 appears to be more involved than the tear down of some of the smartphones and other gadgets iFixit has done over the years. The tools required include small metal tweezers, a solder kit, plastic opening tools, and a #00 philips screwdriver. There is a bunch of other tools recommended too. I would bet that few people will be willing to risk their D5100 to an attempted self-repair and will opt to take the camera in for work.

The circuit board with the Exspeed chip and lots of other stuff is one of the first things that comes out of the camera. After the front panel is off you can see some of the workings for the shutter and other features of the camera. It all looks very tightly packaged. I particularly like the image of the sensor the camera uses all laid out for perusal.


[via iFixit]

