HzO Waterblock Hydrophobic smartphone coating Hands-on
Live here in New Orleans for CTIA 2012 we had just started checking out the mobile goods when we spotted the HzO Waterblock booth. We've mentioned them in the past, but their hydrophobic waterproofing technique for smartphones and tablets is unlike anything else currently available, and said to be coming to Samsung and Apple devices soon.
Like similar products available on the market HzO offers "protection from the inside" model with a nano-scale film barrier applied to the entire device during the actual manufacturing process to ensure the device is fully covered. HzO's chemically bonded compound is applied to the innards of the devices and allows for full protection without the need of bulky cases. The video below explains things best by HzO themselves.
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What separates HzO and their Waterblock formula from the others is not only the fact that it's hydrophobic, but it also is deployed up to 100 times thicker than similar water-resistant coatings from other companies. What this essentially means is the devices are more than just water-resistant, they are almost water-proof as you can see they are calmly sitting completely submerged for the video, and all evening long. You can learn more at HzOinside.com
Stay tuned as CTIA starts full steam tomorrow and we'll be bringing you all the news coverage