Humble Bundle Sliders will change again despite user outcry

In May, Humble Bundle angered some of its user base when it redesigned its bundle pages and removed sliders that allowed buyers to customize how the money from their purchase was used. Humble Bundle has always allowed gamers to pay what they wanted for a bundle of independent games, with a portion of the proceeds being donated to various charities.

When the sliders were removed, fans were upset because they wanted more control over how their money was used. Shortly after rolling out the removal of the sliders, Humble Bundle brought them back, stating that it had heard the response from the user base "loud and clear." The company promised to reconsider its actions and path moving forward. It would appear that consideration is now over with Humble Bundle announcing that changes were returning to the service via a blog post.

The post published yesterday says that a new iteration of the sliders would be rolling out in mid-July to create more opportunities to support important causes. Splits for each bundle will vary, but on average, the minimum amount donated to various charities will vary between 15 and 30 percent. The new sliders will indicate any minimums to customers, and the flexibility to adjust donations will be available with every purchase of a bundle.

Humble Bundle says this change comes after ten years of having the option to lower the percentage it receives to zero. As for why it's eliminating the user's ability to change its percentage to zero, Humble Bundle says the PC storefront landscape has changed significantly since it launched bundles in 2010, and it has to involve "stay on mission."

The update allows it to continue to offer "great prices" on games, books, and software while supporting charitable initiatives with every purchase. Humble Bundle says the change to sliders will allow it to continue to invest in more content to keep growing the community which it says will ultimately drive more donations for charitable causes. The company has promised to continue to create more ways to give back, including its 100 percent to charity bundles.