Here's How To Tune In To E3 2014 Live Video Feeds

This week the folks at E3 2014 running events are ready and willing to bring you their presentations straight to you at home. You'll be able to watch presentations on your Xbox One or PlayStation 4, you'll be able to engage with Twitch, and you'll be able to roll with the punches here on SlashGear as well! This is one E3 that you'll not want to miss – but better yet, one you won't have to miss either!


Twitch E3 Live

The following schedule can be followed in the stream you're about to see, straight from Twitch. This stream should work all day long for the main events, starting in less than an hour from the time this article is released.


9:30 AM Xbox E3 2014 Media Briefing

11 AM Xbox E3 2014 Media Briefing Post Show

11:30 AM Hotline Miami 2 (with Dennaton Games / Devolver Digital)

12PM (noon) EA World Premiere: E3 2014 Preview

1 PM Battlefield Hardline

2 PM EA 2014 Post Show

2:30 PM BattleCry (with Bethesda)

3 PM Ubisoft 2014 E3 Media Briefing

4 PM Ubisoft 2014 E3 Media Briefing Post Show

4:30 PM The Witcher 3 (CD Projekt RED)

5 PM Dying Light (with Techland)

5:30 PM Final Thoughts

6 PM PlayStation E3 2014 Press Conference

All times are Pacific.

Separated Shows

You'll also see a number of presentations separated off from the main pack. First you'll see the Ubisoft E3 Media Briefing starting at 2:40 PDT.

The Sony PlayStation presentation has also been separated with UStream. These streams should provide alternate views of the event and allow you to watch if Twitch is down for whatever reason.


Indy Games

Microsoft is making a special effort to show off "Indy" games with their Xbox feed this week as well. The schedule for this feed brings several radical releases you may not have heard of in the past.

Monday June 9th


11 AM – E3 Post-Game Show

Tuesday June 3rd

12 PM (noon) – Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime

3 PM – Aztez

Wednesday June 4th

10 AM – #IDARB

2 PM – Chariot

Thursday June 5th

10 AM – Knight Squad

2 PM -Threes!

More on the way!

If you know of any other streams that will be coming up soon, please feel free to let us know what you're watching! We'll be keeping up on our Twitter feed @SlashGear and here in this thread.

