Hackintosh Jr. casemod

This casemod probably won't be mistaken for official Apple hardware, but then it cost a whole lot less than it would to boil a Mac Pro tower down to 5.5-inches high.  The handiwork of modder Widefault, it's a compact low-power Hackintosh running OS X on salvaged components.


Under the hand-shaped aluminum mesh there's an Aaeon GENE-9310 sub-compact motherboard, with an Intel Core Duo T2500 processor, 2 GB of memory and integrated WiFi. Widefault is now eying up his remaining stocks of mesh and considering building a mini-ITX version.

Under load it's estimated to demand just 45 to 50 watts, and you can expect to halve that when it's sat idle.  No optical drive, obviously, and you won't be doing any heavy video lifting, but it sure looks neat on the desk. 

[via technabob]

