Google's Page Touts '800 Million Monthly Users' On YouTube
Today Google's CEO has delivered what the company essentially keeps yearly as its State of the Union Address: the 2012 Update from the CEO, complete with YouTube information as well as the rest of the many Google tentacles. Noting that when Google acquired YouTube back in 2006, not long after the video site began to first gain steam, they faced a lot of skepticism for doing so. Now that "YouTube has over 800 million monthly users uploading over an hour of video per second", Google sees no such talk.
Page also noted that they're starting YouTube channels with such powerhouses as the Wall Street Journal, Disney, and Jay-Z. These media channels make Google once more a globally undisputed media super conduit. Page also noted that with Google+ integration, YouTube is growing faster than ever – of course he doesn't make any specific number connections between the two, but he does say that well over 100 million active users are working with Google+ to socially interact with their colleagues to date.
YouTube is also said by Page to be a "healthy revenue" stream for Google with adSense integration. Page notes specifically that with YouTube, Google's advertisement partner ad revenue has "more than doubled for the fourth year in a row." Page lets everyone know how he feels about that in a rather pointed sentence as well: "One thing I've learned is that if you keep doubling things, it really adds up fast!"
We'll be extrapolating on the rest of Page's State of the Google address throughout the day, so stop back often!