Google Play Halloween Sale Guide: What's Worth It

Today we're having a peek at the latest Google Play holiday sale on media – movies and audiobooks, mostly. These include audiobook deals and Google Play Movie discounts from October 24th until November 1st – the whole Halloween Week! Yesterday was the official Halloween 3 day, aka Silver Shamrock's "8 more days til Halloween," but right now's the time to get digital price-cuts on movies and books.



The whole collection of Audiobooks in Google's current collection of Halloween deals has its price cut – each unit has a significant cut in price – but some are gems that shine brighter than the rest. If you look at the full list of Audiobook titles you'll find the following gems:


• The Stranger Beside Me (Ted Bundy real life account)

• All the Missing Girls

• Dracula (Classic original)

• Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde (Classic original)

• The Maw (New horror)

• Frankenstein (Classic horror)

• Stephen King's Gerald's Game

The rest I'm less convinced about. Let us know if you find any other gems in the mix – or if you're an author of one of these titles and want to scream at me for not including you on the gems list!


Google has a bunch of "Haunting deals" in movies for under ten bucks. That's 10 USD for the right to play one of these movies from your digital device whenever you want. That's sort of the same deal as the media above – you don't get to KEEP the file, really, you're only buying the right to play it whenever you want, inside Google's apps.


The gems on this Google Play movies list go on for a while – there's a LOT of good stuff put up here by Google, BUT there's a catch. Some of these movies are good deals, some are only here because they decided to take a tiny amount of cash off their usual price. I'm listing the movies that are both good and are available here for a decent discount.

• The Cabin in the Woods

• The Silence of the Lambs

• Get Out *******

• The Shining

• American Psycho

• Sinister

• The Exorcist


• Poltergeist

******* If you've not seen GET OUT yet, I hereby demand that you do so. The movie is a landmark in filmmaking. Not just in the horror genre, but in movies in general. Go see it immediately!


