Google Maps "Waypoints" Navigation APK Released
The Android version of Google Maps has been updated to include multiple waypoints along one chosen route. This means that if you need to run multiple errands in one trip and want to know the fastest way between them, Google's here for you. This is version 9.31.2 of Google Maps and it requires that your phone have Android 4.2 Jelly Bean or higher to run. Chances are you're in luck. This app update is out right this minute... sort of.
For those of you that are aiming to run this app as fast as possible, head to the bottom of this article and tap in. For the rest of you that still need convincing – know this: you're going to get this update one way or the other eventually. Whether you want it or not! So there!
You can test this functionality now via Google Maps in-browser. This functionality is meant for desktop browsers for now, so keep that in mind.
Once you've begun entering locations into your navigation list, you'll find a tiny "+" inside a circle. This plus sign will add another slot for you to add another location, and you can feel free to go to so many locations that your ears will ring.
The "send directions to phone" link is currently blocked out and un-tappable once you add more than one location to the list – it wont be long now before it's working for everyone.
This update to Google Maps may come from the newest version of the app, OR it may end up being a server-side update. As such, we recommend you stay updated with the latest version of Google Maps at all times, and we'll see which one comes first.
To download this app for Android you'll want to head to your Google Play app store and download the latest update. If that update is not the one you seek (if it's not been uploaded to Google Play yet, which it isn't when this article is being posted), you'll want to head to APK Mirror, via the folks at Android Police.