Google Cars Ordered Marked and With Fully Announced Itinerary in Italy

The Privacy Regulator in Italy has informed Google Inc that it'll have to make sure it's "Street View" photography cars are clearly marked and that their itinerary is publicized before driving. Three days in advance, Google cars traveling anywhere in Italy must submit it's driving paths to local newspapers and announce the paths on radio. Included in their plans they must say which locality and in which area of a large city the cars will be driving. This reported by Italian newspaper La Stampa.

That's all well and good, says I, but clearly marked? How many cars with gigantic multi-faceted cameras on top do you see driving around town on a daily basis? I've seen them several times in my city (Minneapolis, Minnesota,) and you can't miss em. Privacy Authority President Francesco Pizzetti noted that "There has been strong alarm and also hostility in a lot of European countries against Google taking photos. We have received protests even from local administrations."

My goodness, what a terrifying ordeal they must be going through, cars with cameras documenting their every drapery and car paint color. Oh dear me, I did not expect to be seen out here on this public street today, is that a Google car? No! My life! Of course, this news does reveal itself very close to the news of Google Street View car cameras grabbing emails and passwords from Wifi networks.

In other news, I was thinking about getting my own Google Car camera setup and driving around Europe. What do you think? Your comments below will help me to decide if I should go through with it or not. Also taking donations for both the car and the ferry.

[Via Rueters]