Google Cardboard: amazing places to go with Google Maps Street View

Several months ago, Google Maps added a Virtual Reality switch for their Street View platform. With this switch, users are able to view any Street View-enabled location with their Google Cardboard headset. What we've done here is to compile some of the most awesome places you're able to visit right this minute with your Android smartphone with (or without) a VR headset like Google Cardboard. Today's collection begins with a set of bullet trains in Japan – it's time you stepped inside to see what luxurious speed is all about.


Straight from Google's Cardboard team comes the following instructions on how to get Street View working in full virtual reality view.

0. Make sure your smartphone is horizontal.

1. Open a location in Street View in Google Maps.

2. Double-tap the icon in the lower-right so that the Street View image turns stereoscopic (split in two).

3. Insert your phone into Google Cardboard.

The resulting view should look something like this (without Cardboard, of course):

Locations to Visit (with preview)

The first location you'll be going to – again – is a set of train cars in a bullet train in Japan.

The first train car you'll be entering is the Grand Class. There are three sections you'll be visiting, from best to most standard: Grand Class, Green Car, and Standard Class. Standard is comparable to most international airlines, while Grand Class is the height of luxury for trains.

To visit any of the three classes of car on the Hokuriku Shinkansen train line, head to the links here – click with your Android device and open in Google Maps.

• Grand Class• Green Car• Standard Class

Next you're going to visit Stonehenge. If you've never been here before – especially – you're going to want to get up close and personal. You're no longer able to get this close in real life due to a few bad apples ruining it for the bunch – stone chippers and painters and such.

Click into Stonehenge here and let us know if you see any ancient spirits.

Finally, you're going to see the Hillary Suspension Bridge. If you're afraid of heights, turn back now.

Drop in on the Hillary Suspension Bridge only if you've got a firm grasp on your lunch. This location exists over the Dudh Kosi River in Nepal.

More Locations to Visit

Some of the places not shown here that you'll also want to be visiting are on my "must view" list. They include places I've personally been and demand that you visit – or places you'll at least want to visit virtually.

• First Avenue and 7th Street Entry, MPLS• The Colosseum, Rome, Italy• Diagon Alley, Watford, England• Burj Khalifa View from Building Maintenance Unit (73rd Floor) (Dubai)• The pyramids of Giza, Egypt

Let us know if you know of any other awesome Street View locations OR if you'd like us to extend this list!