Ghost Recon Commander Hits Facebook Early
This week the folks at Ubisoft are bringing their upcoming hit Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, to the world of heavy-duty gaming – but before that, they're bringing the series of Facebook. The newest game on the social networking platform is Ghost Recon: Commander, and it hits your senses like a small plastic bat. Of course this game is made in preparation for the big wallop of a club that is Future Soldier, so feel free to get your ammo stocked up here a day early!
This game is available for you, the Facebook user, to play here a full day before the real game in this epic series is released. In the real Future Soldier game you'll be first-person shooting your way into the hearts of all your enemies with full deadly force and next-level tactics requirements galore. In this "Commander" entry into the series, you're in a world that's a whole lot closer to Pokemon than it is to the shooter's natural form.
That said, it's actually pretty fun, and you do indeed get to shoot, bomb, or otherwise annihilate your enemies in low-level graphics fashion. You can also team up with your Facebook fans and earn all kinds of loot, trade it in for advancements int he game or your own NPCs to follow you along. It's all about teamwork and it's out right now – how could you possibly resist?! Head to Facebook right this instant and start unloading.