George RR Martin does Ice Bucket Challenge (then slips in the pool)
Not quite tired of Ice Bucket Challenge videos yet? George RR Martin has stepped up to the plate, challenged by Neil Gaiman ("That bastard", he says), and he does it with more than a bit of hesitation. Two bucketfuls make their way onto his head before he takes a somewhat impromptu trip into the swimming pool.
"God help me," he says, calling for donations to an ALS foundation before having two buckets of water poured on him. He quickly proclaims it is cold, bailing out before one of the two buckets are empty.
After a bit of commotion, he heads on over to the swimming pool to, no doubt, neutralize the frigid water, struggling to find a foothold down. Apparently deciding that being warm is better than a graceful landing, he eventually jumps into the pool, almost smacking into the ground in the process.
Millions have participated in the slowing Ice Bucket Challenge, not the least of which was Bill Gates, who recently doused himself using a bucket and pulley assembly. You can check out other videos using the #icebucketchallenge hashtag.