Galaxy Note 4 details tip September reveal at IFA 2014

Now that the Samsung Galaxy S5 has been revealed and released, it would appear that it's time to push the second wave. As the Galaxy smartphone line has for the past several years released first the "S" model, then the "Note", today's rumor is not surprising. Instead it's more of a semi-confirmation of something we already suspected.


The Samsung Galaxy Note originated at IFA in Berlin, and this year it's tipped that there it shall return. Here at IFA 2014, a tip from what The Korea Times calls an anonymous company official says that Samsung "is considering" launching the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 at IFA 2014.

This same source says that specifications for the device are still being finalized. Likely this means that they're still in the middle of finalizing which processor build to implement, while final production has not yet begun.

The big oddity in this release is the scheduling – not because the Galaxy Note's release will be any different from last year, but because the Galaxy S5 was revealed so much earlier in the year than the Galaxy S4.


While it was March 14th of 2013 that the Galaxy S4 was first revealed, it was several weeks earlier, on February 24th (this year, 2014), that the Galaxy S5 was first shown off.

Could it be that this slightly early reveal might push up the reveal of the Galaxy Note 4? Not likely.

One reason for pushing the Galaxy S5 to an earlier reveal date was almost certainly so that Samsung could pull in a larger physical audience at MWC 2014 in Berlin. Orchestrating this event allowed them to appear to command the multi-day event while a one-day event for the Galaxy S4 didn't hold quite so much fervor.

Expect the Galaxy Note 4 at IFA 2014 in Berlin. That's September 5th through the 10th, 2014 – we'll be there to bring you the whole hubbub.

VIA: Korea Times

