Facebook should be paying you

Facebook's call records, SMS, and contacts collecting are the headline of the day – but that's old news to you. You knew a long time ago that Facebook was harvesting your data, and you don't care. What would anyone want with your info anyway? You're just an everyday average person, after all, surely there's no reason to worry that Facebook workers would take the time to read your boring old communications and contact list, right?

I'm with you, and I've been with you on this issue in the past. Maybe Facebook's data collection is only for the advertisements, and maybe that's OK. Maybe it's just fine that Facebook uses my call logs and message history and search terms to send me advertisements about things I might be interested in. Everybody wins, right?

Yes, and no.

Facebook's series of dilemmas this month are symptomatic of a larger issue. The next big commodity in tech is TRUST, and you shouldn't be giving that away for free. When you have something valuable, you either keep and use it, or you sell it. If you give away your value, you're volunteering, and that sort of situation should be reserved for charitable causes.

SEE TOO: Facebook: You said we could have that Android dataEvery single company that's using our actions and info to sell advertisements should give us a cut of the cash. If we're going to be seeing advertisements pointed specifically at our interests, Facebook benefits, but we get jacked. All we get is an opportunity to spend more time, effort, and money.

Instead of giving your info away for free, you should be using Facebook with false information. Keep your contacts, but make sure your profile lists nonsense. Every few messages you send to someone with Messenger, send one to yourself about some completely random nonsense.

Or better yet, list something you like, but have no need to buy. Rubber duckies, for example. Every few messages, ever other post, post about rubber duckies. See how quick your Facebook-served ads turn into those lovable yellow birds. And see how Facebook's advertising dollars go down the drain.