Facebook Search Update goes Public: here's how you hide
Today Facebook updated their Facebook Search feature to include ALL public posts. Before today, this feature only searched through your friends posts and those posts you and your friends were tagged in – now it's everyone, everywhere. This might freak a few people out. But don't worry! There's a (relatively) simple way of pulling your content from the public eye, and part of it can be done from your smartphone or tablet.
Future Post Privacy
The first thing you're going to want to do in your iPhone or Android app is find the "More" button. In the Android app, this button is in the upper right-hand corner. In the iPhone app, this button is in the lower right-hand corner. Tap it.
Inside your "More" section you're going to have to scroll a bit. Down near the bottom of the list you'll find a button with a lock symbol on it. This button is called "Privacy Shortcuts." Tap it.
From here you'll find an option entitled "Who can see my stuff?" Tap it.
On your mobile device you'll be able to tap the "Who can see your future posts" option and adjust it to be more private than it likely already is.
Past Post Privacy
The path you'll take to get to this option brings you to a slightly deeper version of your Privacy Settings. Here you'll see the same option to make future posts more private, but you'll also find one that'll limit the visibility of your past posts.
First you'll tap the "More" button on the right of your screen (top or bottom of your screen, depending on iOS or Android app – looks something like the "More" button you see above).
Scroll down to Account Settings. The icon is a silhouette of a person near a cog.
In Account Settings, tap Privacy – the icon is a lock near a blue rectangle.
In Privacy, the second button down is the one you want to press. This button says "Limit the audience for posts you've shared with friends of friends or Public?" Tap it.
And you're good to go!