Facebook Messenger gets Caller ID feature

A few days back we mentioned that the video calling feature had rolled out to all users of Facebook messenger. One of the things you might have wished for if you have a group of friends that make use of that calling feature is caller ID. Caller ID is something that we all take for granted these days so we know who is calling before we pick up.


If the caller is someone you really don't want to talk to, you can simply not answer the call. Without caller ID, you end up answering and hoping for the best. That caller ID feature that has been missing from the feature list has now been added. Facebook's David Marcus, VP of Messaging Products said, "Now you'll have context about the people contacting you on Messenger with a bigger photo and more details about how you're related, and much more."

The caller ID does more than just telling you the person's name who is calling you. It also gives you details about them from the public information they have listed on Facebook. You could get data such as where they live and work.

The caller ID also shows the user's profile photo. For now, the caller ID feature isn't available in all regions. It is available for users in the US, UK, France and India. When or if it will come to other areas is unannounced at this time.



