Ex-Apple Retail Boss Launching Gadget Delivery Business
As much as we tire of the old "Internet of Things" adage lately, a more subversive handle is being assigned to things. whenever a service is launched, someone calls it the "Uber of" whatever it is. The latest is a service designed to bring you gadgets quickly, and is founded by a guy who knows a thing or two about standing in line for tech.
Former Apple retail boss Ron Johnson left the firm in 2011 to accept a job with JC Penney. Now he's championing an on-demand gadget delivery business after being head of the faltering retailer for a mere 17 months. Alongside Apple's former VP of retail Jerry McDougal, who left Apple to work on his own on-demand delivery business, Johnson wants to bring the goods to you.

This falls in line with others who want to deliver anything you want, and various one-day shipping clearinghouses. Google and Amazon are also working on drone delivery programs, meant to bring you goods you've ordered online.
This upstart delivery program is done by humans, but little is known about it yet. It's not clear if Johnson is creating a marketplace for gadgets, or working with various retailers.
Still, for a pair of guys who fostered a wait-in-line-for-a-phone retail environment, the irony of this is not lost on us.
The service isn't yet named, nor does it have much in the way of traction via investments at this point. Johnson has reportedly been sniping Apple employees to help on this project, which has no known release timeframe.
Source: The Information