Elder Scrolls Legends Released Today (Mobile Download)

A lot of people were disappointed that there wasn't a showing from Elder Scrolls VI at E3 2017 last month, so if you need a way to pass the time while we wait for that announcement to eventually arrive, you might want to have a look at Elder Scrolls Legends. Bethesda's free-to-play card game is going live today on mobile devices, finally bringing its unique take on the CCG genre to Android phones and iPhones.


Previously, Elder Scrolls Legends was only available on PC, iPad, and Android tablets. For the entirety of the game's open beta, Elder Scrolls Legends was only available on PC, with the iPad and Android tablet versions coming online after the game entered full release back in March. Now, four months later, it's finally coming to Android phones and iPhone.

While Elder Scrolls Legends does have a few things in common with other CCGs like Magic the Gathering and Hearthstone, it has a lot of unique features as well. Instead of playing on one unified play field, players instead fill two different lanes with their minions. This lane mechanic brings an interesting twist to the genre, as it has players fighting a battle on two fronts.


Though Elder Scrolls Legends is still relatively fresh out of the gate, it's already received its first expansion. At the end of last month, Bethesda released Elder Scrolls Legends: Heroes of Skyrim, which adds 150 new cards to the game. Obviously, these new cards all center around characters, locations, and items found in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, so if you played that game to death like so many other people did, a lot of these cards should be instantly familiar.

Hearthstone still dominates the digital CCG scene, it's true, but Elder Scrolls Legends has attracted a sizable audience itself. I've played it myself and I personally enjoy it more than Hearthstone, so if you're an Elder Scrolls fan, you should definitely check it out. Elder Scrolls Legends can be downloaded today from the Google Play Store [download] and the iOS App Store [download].

