Discover Makes It Easy To Add Card To Google Wallet
We mentioned back the beginning of the month that Google Wallet now supports all major credit cards and debit cards. One of the last major credit card holdouts was Discover, and as of today, Discover is offering up more details on its support for Google Wallet. It appears that Discover is making it easier for users to add their credit cards to their Google Wallet.
Discover has announced that it has partnered with Google to allow card members to save their credit card information directly into Google Wallet by logging into the online Account Center. That account center for adding the card to Google Wallet is at the URL When the card is added to a compatible phone with NFC technology inside the user can pay using their phone rather than digging out the credit card at participating retailers.
Discover says that once members are logged into the Account Center, adding the card is a simple process of making a few clicks. The credit card will sync automatically to the Google Wallet application for users with NFC smartphones. Users can also add the card directly through the Google Wallet mobile application.
I think Google Wallet is finally starting to go mainstream. I live in a more rural area, and I've noticed that several retailers now have signs up that they accept Google Wallet. I'm still concerned that by finding my phone, nefarious sorts would have access to my credit card information. Granted, if they found my wallet, they would have the same information access.