Digia MeeGo Custom UI Gets Netbook & Smartphone Demo [Video]
MeeGo seems to be catching the attention of developers, with a new custom bubble UI by Digia showing us the benefits of being able to bring the same software to both netbook and smartphone hardware alike. Digia's seabed-themed UI puts icons into floating, bobbing bubbles, and runs on both Lenovo's Atom-powered IdeaPad S10-3t and the Nokia N900.Video demo after the cut
According to the Digia coders, what you see in the video was the handiwork of just one month's development. It's not clear exactly how many people they had working on it during that time, or if it was a combined month's worth of several peoples' effort, but either way it's left them confident about the possibilities MeeGo offers.
If Intel and Nokia can market and position it right, the idea of being able to quickly move apps from tablet to netbook to smartphone to any other MeeGo device could be a useful differentiator for the platform. Of course, we'll need an appealing smartphone first, most likely, and that's not expected until sometime in 2011 with the launch of Nokia's first MeeGo model.
[via My Nokia Blog and via MeeGoExperts]